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  姓名: 王晓英
  职称: 教授
  联系方式: Wangxiaofu163(AT)163.com






  1999 年考入清华大学计算机科学与技术系计算机科学与技术专业,于2003 年获得学士学位。20039月以免试资格进入清华大学计算机系攻读博士学位。2008 7 月获博士学位,并被评为“清华大学优秀博士毕业生”。20088月到bet878365工作至今。200812月进入清华大学博士后流动站从事在职博士后研究工作,201012月完成博士后工作出站。2013年任青海大学计算机系常务副主任。2014.8-2015.2被国家留学基金委选派Rutgers, The State University of New JerseyUSA计算机科学系做访问学者。CCF会员,ACM会员,青海省计算机学会常务理事等。






  1. [1] 国家自然科学基金项目“智能电网影响感知的数据中心需求响应策略与机制研究”(No.61767024,39万元);2018.01-2021.12;项目负责人
  2. [2] 国家自然科学基金项目“应用间歇性可再生能源的数据中心资源与能耗管理模型与算法研究”(No.61363019,45万元);2014.01-2017.12;项目负责人
  3. [3] 开放基金 “基于多源卫星的天河工程数据集成平台”(No. sklhse-2017-A-05), 2017.1-2018.12, 15万元。项目负责人。
  4. [4] 赛尔网络下一代互联网技术创新项目“基于IPv6的光伏电站监控数据共享平台” (No.NGII20160505),2017.1-2018.12,5万元,项目负责人。
  5. [5] 国家自然科学基金项目“基于虚拟化技术的资源自主管理模型与机制”(60963005,20万元);2010.1-2012.12
  6. [6] 青海省科技计划项目-应用基础研究计划“高压设备热图像在线监测故障诊断策略研究及应用”(No. 2014-ZJ-718),2014.07-2017.07,项目负责人,15万元。
  7. [7] 青海省“十二五”信息产业发展研究,省经委横向项目(No.QJW2013-01,20万元)。2013.5-2014.5。项目负责人。
  8. [8] 教育部“本科教学工程”地方高校第一批本科专业综合改革试点(教高司函[2013]56号)——青海大学计算机科学与技术专业, 专业负责人
  9. [9] 青海大学2009年度中青年科研基金项目“集群式流媒体服务系统资源配置优化研究”(2009-QG-10,1万元);2009.9-2011.8
  10. [10] 青海省科技厅“科技能力建设”项目“青海省妇联政务信息网络系统开发”(2009-G-Y06,10万元),2009年7月-2010年12月,第三参与人。
  11. [11] 国家精品课程集成项目集群式流媒体服务分系统中的“集群式流媒体服务系统资源管理与调度模块测试与开发”部分(与清华大学协作的横向项目,5万元)。2009.9-2012.8
  12. [12] 清华大学(计算机系)-腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司互联网创新技术联合实验室创新基金项目“云计算环境中资源自适应调度策略与算法研究”(2011-1,20万元)。2011.7-2013.6
  13. [13] 青海大学高层次人才科研启动专项资金项目“公路沥青路面裂缝自动检测技术研究”(2008-QGC-11,3万元);2011.3-2013.3;项目负责人





  1. [1] Qingyi Pan, Xiaoying Wang*. Independent travel recommendation algorithm based on analytical hierarchy process and simulated annealing for professional tourist. Applied Intelligence, 2018, 48(6): 1565-1581. (SCI源刊,影响因子1.904, EI检索号:20173504093147)
  2. [2] PeiCong Luo, XiaoYing Wang*. Research on the Resource Allocation Algorithm based on Forecasting in Mobile Cloud Computing. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2018 (SCI源刊,影响因子1.261,已录用)


  1. [3] Guojing Zhang,Xiaoying Wang,Jie Li,Xuejiao Yang. Design and Implementation of the Data Sharing Platform of a Photovoltaic Power Station over IPv6. 2018 5th International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Computer Sciences (ICMECS 2018), 2018, pp: 1193-1197.
  2. [4] Xuejiao Yang, Xiaoying Wang, Jiangwei Sheng, Yuling Li, Peicong Luo. Parallelization and Performance Optimization of the Jacobi Stencil Algorithm. 2018 4th International Conference on Communications, Networking and Electrical Engineering (ICCNEE 2018), 2018(已录用)
  3. [5] Fengyu Guo, Xiaoying Wang. Research on the Relationship of Approximate Computing Application Precision and Hardware Resource Utilization. 2018 International Conference on Computer, Electronic Information and Communications (CEIC2018), 2018(已录用)



  1. [6] Peng Cui, Xiaoying Wang*. Modeling the Decision Process of Optimal Travel Route based on Analytic Hierarchy Process. Internet Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing. (ISSN: 2005-4262), 2017, 10(2): 21-36. (ESCI收录,WOS检索号: 000401474700003)
  2. [7] Guojing Zhang, Xiaoying Wang*, Mengqin Yang. Managing and Scheduling Approximate Applications to Utilize Renewable Energy in Cloud Computing Datacenters. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 2017, 15(3):307-321. (SCI源刊,影响因子:0.681,WOS检索号:000403811200022) ● ISSN 1589 1623 (Print)



  1. [8] Fengyu Guo, Xiaoying Wang*. Research on Energy Consumption Modeling Method for Multi-Type Hybrid Applications. 2017 International Conference on Applied, Mathematics, Modelling and Statistics Application (AMMSA 2017), Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), 2017, vol. 141, pp.14-20. (ISTP检索号: 000416087700004)
  2. [9] 张国晶,王晓英,杨雪娇. 面向太阳能利用的云数据中心资源调度算法研究. 2017全国高性能学术年会(HPCChina2017), 2017, pp.500-505.
  3. [10] 杨雪娇,王晓英,盛江玮. Jacobi Stencil算法的并行化实现及性能优化研究. 2017全国高性能学术年会(HPCChina2017), 2017, pp.594-595.
  4. [11] 盛江玮,王晓英,曹腾飞,张小丹. WRF模式中物理过程参数化方案对青藏高原一次强降水模拟的影响研究. 2017全国高性能学术年会(HPCChina2017), 2017,pp.590-591.


  1. [12] Xiaoying Wang, Guojing Zhang, Mengqin Yang. Chapter title: Green-aware Virtual Machine Migration Strategy in Sustainable Cloud Computing Environments. Cloud Computing - Architecture and Applications (ISBN 978-953-51-4932-3), Prof. Jaydip Sen (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/67350. 2017, Chapter 3, pp. 53-70.



  1. [13] Qingyi Pan, Xiaoying Wang*. Performance Evaluation and Optimization of HPCG benchmark on CPU + MIC platform. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 2016, 9(11): 239-254. (EI 检索号: 20165103134003)


  1. [14] Xiaoying Wang, Kunchang Li, Guojing Zhang, Lei Zhang. Modeling the Power Consumption of Multiple Typical Applications based on Linux. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Communications, Information, Management and Network Security (CIMNS2016), 2016. Advances in Computer Science Research (ISSN: 2352-538x), 2016, pp.43-46. (WOS检索号:000390854400011)
  2. [15] Wang Xiaoying, Yi Zhengming, Liu Xiaojing, Cao Tengfei. Establishing the Platform of Operating System Experiments for Application-oriented Talent Cultivation. 2016 3rd International Conference on Economic, Business Management and Education Innovation (EBMEI 2016), May 2016, Lecture Notes in Management Science, vol. 56, pp. 310-315. (WOS检索号:000391644000054)
  3. [16] MENG Qiao, WANG Xiaoying, ZHANG Yu_an. Research on a Least Squares Thresholding Algorithm for Pavement Crack Detection. 6th International Conference on Information Science and Technology, May 2016, Dalian, China, pp. 465-469. (EI检索号: 20162902609667)
  4. [17] Huang, Jianqiang, Wu, Huan; Wang, Xiaoying and Yi, Zhengming. Research and application of online monitoring fault diagnosis for infrared image and visible image registration. 2016 6th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2016), Tokyo, Japan, 2016, pp. 765-772. (EI检索号:20163202697445)



  1. [18] Xiaoying Wang; Zhihui Du; Yinong Chen; Mengqin Yang. A Green-aware Virtual Machine Migration Strategy for Sustainable Datacenter Powered by Renewable Energy. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2015, vol.58, Part1, pp. 3-14. (SCI期刊,ISSN:1569-190X, 影响因子:1.383,WOS: 000363273400002,IDS 号: CU1IF) (EI检索号:20150600502786)
  2. [19] Guojing Zhang, Xiaoying Wang*, Zhihui Du. Research on the Prediction of Solar Energy Generation based on Measured Environmental Data.  International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology. 2015: 8(5): 385-402. (EI检索号:20152600975359)
  3. [20] 解辉,王晓英,金鑫. 数据中心间歇性绿色能源供给管理策略研究. 微型机与应用, 2015, 34(18): 69-72.
  4. [21] 解辉,王晓英,金鑫. 基于模板知识的带噪音半结构文本数据自动分词方法研究. 微型机与应用,2015,34(17):89-95.
  5. [22] 解辉,王晓英,金鑫.数据中心间歇性绿色能源功率变化模型设计, 2015, 34(16): 11-14.


  1. [23] Guojing Zhang, Xiaoying Wang*, Zhihui Du. Review of Heterogeneous Computing based on GPU. 2015 International Conference on Informatics, Control and Automation (ICA2015), July, 2015, Phuket, Thailand, pp.175-180. (ISTP检索号:000377614100032)
  2. [24] Xiaoying Wang, Divya Kurthakoti Chandrashekhara, Md Haque, Inigo Goiri, Ricardo Bianchini, Thu Nguyen. Grid-Aware Placement of Datacenters and Wind Farms. IGSC 2015 : 2015 Sixth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, Dec 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 1-8. (EI检索号:20161602256021) ISTP检索号:000380428700031
  3. [25] Xiaoying Wang, Yu-an Zhang, Xiaojing Liu, Tengfei Cao. Exploiting the potential of data centers in the smart grid. International Conference on Intelligent Manufacturing and Computational Technology (IMCT2015),Nanjing, China, 2015, pp. 403-409. (ISTP检索号:000385239300057)
  4. [26] 王晓英,沈茜,孟永伟,李东. 数据中心与风电厂在电网中的部署及交互建模仿真研究. 全国高性能计算学术年会, CCF HPC China 2015, pp. 721-722.



  1. [27] 王晓英,解辉,薛媛媛。基于虚拟化技术的资源自主管理模型与机制. 中国科技成果, 2014(7): 70-71.
  2. [28] Mengqin Yang, Xiaoying Wang. Hourly Solar Radiation Forecast Based on k-NN Nonparametric Regression Model. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 571-572 (2014), pp 217-222. (EI检索号: 20142717904878)


  1. [29] Xiaoying Wang, Po Li, Xiaojing Liu, Jianqiang Huang, Yu-an Zhang & Tengfei Cao. Research on Designing and Developing the “Computer Platform” Course Website aiming at Interactive Learning. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS (ITA2014), 2014, pp. 205-209. (EI检索号: 20153801285124 )



  1. [30] Xiaoying Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Lihua Fan, Xuhan Jia. A Decentralized Virtual Machine Migration Approach of Data Centers for Cloud Computing. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 878542, 10 pages. (IF: 1.383, SCI Indexed: 000324214000001, EI Compendex Indexed: 20133916771771)
  2. [31] Xiaoying Wang, Wenyan Yuan, Weili Guo and Xiaojing Liu. Research on the Design and Implementation of Online Homework Review and Similarity Comparison System. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 13(14): 2774-2780. (EI Compendex Indexed:20134216869384)
  3. [32] Xiaoying Wang, Rui Wang, Xiaojing Liu. An Adaptive Management Approach Collaborating Heterogeneous Resources in Cloud Service Environments. International Review on Computers and Software, 2013, 8(1): 401-408.
  4. [33] Xiaoying Wang, Lihua Fan, Xuhan Jia, Weitong Huang. A Survey of Virtualization-based Resource Management in Cloud Computing Environments. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2013, 8(2): 495-505. (EI Compendex Indexed:20130615997836)
  5. [34] Xiaoying Wang, Weitong Huang, Yu-an Zhang, Xiaojing Liu, Yongwei Meng, Lu Wang. Practice on the Construction of the “Computer Platforms” Course towards Application-oriented Students. Computer Education, 2013, Issue 4: 40-44. (In Chinese)
  6. [35] Xiaoying Wang, Jianqiang Huang, Zhiqiang Liu and Xiaojing Liu. Design of Resource and Power Management Framework and Strategies for Datacenters Powered by Intermittent Renewable Energy. Information Technology Journal (ITJ), 2013, Vol12. No.15. (in press)
  7. [36] Yu He, Xiaoying Wang, Yinong Chen, Zhihui Du, Weitong Huang, Xudong Chai, et.al. A Simulation Cloud Monitoring Framework and Its Evaluation Model. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2013(38): 20-37.(SCI Indexed, IF: 1.159)



  1. [37] Xiaoying Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Lihua Fan, Jianqiang Huang. Energy-aware Resource Management and Green Energy Use for Large-scale Datacenters: A Survey. CSAIT 2013. Springer. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 255. (ISSN: 2194-5357)
  2. [38] Xiaoying Wang, Zhiqiang Liu, Liu Xiaojing, Lu Wang. Design and Implementation of an Online Homework Similarity Detection System based on the B/S Architecture. ICET 2013, Advances in Education Research, 2013, vol.23, pp.371-377. (ISSN:2160-1070, CPCI-SSH Indexed).
  3. [39] Xiaoying Wang, Xin Jin, Lihua Fan, Weitong Huang. Implementation of Meta-services for Content Delivery Network Service in the Cloud Environment. ICMIA 2013. Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 241-244, 2013, pp.3053-3058. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20130515973842, CPCI-S Indexed: 000317630701272)



  1. [40] Xiaoying Wang, Zhihui Du, Yinong Chen. An Adaptive Model-free Resource and Power Management Approach for Multi-tier Cloud Environments. Journal of Systems and Software. 2012, 85(5): 1135–1146. (IF: 1.34,SCI Indexed: 000301828800010, EI Compendex Indexed: 20123715420436)
  2. [41] Xiaoying Wang, Xin Jin, Lihua Fan, Weitong Huang. Meta-service Design and Implementation for Content Delivery Network Cloud Environments. TELKOMNIKA, 2012, 10(7): 1833-1842. (EI Compendex Indexed:20130115865883)
  3. [42] Xiaoying Wang, Xuhan Jia, Lihua Fan, Weitong Huang. Research on Performance Modeling of Transactional Cloud Applications. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2012, 44(2), pp 166-171.(EI Compendex Indexed: 20124615666115)
  4. [43] Xiaoying Wang, Zhihui Du, Lihua Fan, Yuanyuan Xue, Rui Wang. Self-adaptive QoS-aware Resource Allocation and Reservation Management in Virtualised Environments. The special issue of International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) on "Advanced Challenges and Research Trends in Cloud and Grid Interoperability", 2012, 7(4): 308-318. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20124415610389)
  5. [44] Xiaoying Wang, Li Jin, Xiaoqing Wang, Weitong Huang. Homework Similarity Detection System Based on Sequence Matching. Computer Engineering. 2012, 38(24):53-61. (In Chinese. CSCD Indexed: 4726346)


  1. [45] Xiaojing Liu, Weitong Huang, Xiaoying Wang, Xiaoqing Wang. Application research of blending learning in course study. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, v146, 2012, pp. 337-342. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20122115044054)
  2. [46] Tao Gao, Yanjun Xu, Xiaoying Wang, Jinlei Jiang, and Yongwei Wu. EasyDeploy: Automatic Application Deployment in Virtual Clusters. The 7th ChinaGrid Annual Conference (ChinaGrid 2012), Beijing, China, pp.80-86. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20125015798461)
  3. [47] Yujun Li, Limiao Zhu, Xiaoying Wang. Design and Implementation of an Online Self-training System for the “Computer System Platform” Course. The Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI 2012), Nanjing, China, 2012, pp.194-197. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20131116105268)
  4. [48] Lihua Fan, Weitong Huang, Zhiqiang Liu, Xiaoying Wang. The error analysis about the experiment of data querying. Proceedings of 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, 2012, pp. 1694-1697. (EI Compendex Indexed: 20124515635935)